Monthly Archives: December 2019

Barracudas. Cannon blasts. Dozens of enemy ships. The crew of the Sea Monster made a dent in their enemies forces in the last episode, but that was only the beginning. Wood creaks, rope is strained, and mettle is tested on the Sea Monster as they face the remaining ships of the Armada alone. But yet, they aren’t alone. In this mid-season finale, our party’s bond rises to a crescendo and their skill flourishes. Surrounded by friends new and old, it seems that the two forces are more evenly matched than…

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Face to face with the Lord’s Alliance armada, surrounded on all sides in the bay of Neverwinter, our heroes have few options. Either they fight, die, or remove the Eye of Neth from the telescope. But what will happen if they cut the Eye from the telescope? Will it be just as dangerous as an armada? But then again, how can the Sea Monster and our three heroes fight against an armada of trained Lord’s Alliance soldiers and sailors? Well, it seems that our stellar group of pirates have a…

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A knock at the door. Blood on the ground. A scrap of an antler. A strange voice in Kipa’s head. What does it all mean? Where is Icarus and Minnow? How can our party do what needs to be done with the telescope without their guidance? These questions and more race through our heroes minds as they find themselves corned at the Labyrinth by the Lord’s Alliance. But help comes in strange ways, from strange friends. Armed with the allies of a new alliance, our heroes find themselves in a…

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Quiet. Too quiet. The town of Neverwinter, the bustling metropolis which our heroes first arrived at earlier, is as silent as Jake’s backstory. The streets, usually riddled with peddlers and citizens, are empty, and a sheer wind blows eerily through the stones. Something is wrong, and It doesn’t take Slal’s critical eye to see it. With this palpable danger, our heroes must find Icarus to get next steps regarding the Sword of the Seven Seas, wading through thick quiet and deafening emptiness in Neverwinter. But what is lying in wait?…

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