Monthly Archives: January 2020

Having gone through the eye of the needle (or prism) both literally and figuratively, our Furious Fathers find themselves transported to the middle of an unknown ocean, miles and miles from any observable civilization. However, considering the intensity of the recent events, our party and heroes welcome the downtime. The Sea Monster has escaped the clutches of the Lord’s Alliance Armada, but at what cost? With a new strange passenger, our party turns inward to understand all the new and confusing information regarding Prism and Atlantis. How do all the…

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Don’t break the prism. Cut out the Eye of Neth. Use the Sword of the Seven Seas. Our Furious Fathers have done all as they should, keeping both Lord’s Alliance at bay while following the cryptic orders of a strange riddle. But where are they now? Where have our heroes found themselves? It seems that slicing the Eye off the telescope was not as catastrophic as was expected, however the outcome was just as surprising. A white space. A place of nothingness, filled with a voice of a young girl.…

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