Monthly Archives: July 2020

We last left our Fathers at the hands of a strange sahuagin and small creature at the bottom of the vast ocean, sure to be speared from several unseen scaley hands as though to start a small aqua barbacoa, but no. Our Petulant Paters have lady luck on their side, as they, for once, make friends and not kill the strange creatures. Having opened his mouth and communicated in the Queen’s English, the stranger proves to be a font of vital information, spewing forth like the volcanic bottom-zits that surround…

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Those first few moments after the Furious Fathers went into the water were weird. A breath or two passes as we all are looking out over the bow of the ship, frozen, as if nothing happens on board when The Trio isn’t around. But that’s of course not true, as soon as we were sure that they were good and under, I saw everyone start moving in the orchestra of practiced movements they’d done hundreds of times before. Jake calling out orders, doing his best to fill the boots of…

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We find our Aquatic Ancestors underneath the thick water, standing on the edge of a continental divide. Before them lies an expanse of blue that is pierced by a pulsating red light, emanating from a towering structure of a curious design. From their vantage point, it would seem to be a maw of earth, with jagged teeth rising to meet them, washed in the bloody glow of the central tower. Heavily armed with weapons and deep caution, our Paters make way for the central structure, being drawn to the light…

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So, after our multiple days at sea, and hearing Kipa tell that story about his home, I gotta say I was inspired and excited. Maybe today was finally my chance to show the crew that I can handle more on the ship. And I tell you what, I was ready- I wore my clean pants, and a new shirt I got on Garshep Island, and even threw on my lucky skivvies. There I was enjoying a meal in Cookie’s mess hall, and I see Earl enjoying his go to meal—the…

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