Having PHENOMENALLY reigned victorious over their first duels in the Ascension Games, out Perusing Parentals are ready for the next challenge to go and cold cock that bastard Ares right in the face! Steeling their resolve, they wait, tempering and gathering their courage for what lays ahead of them. As luck would have it, their opponent is familiar, and one that could give more of a , shall we say, temporal look into the higher powers at play. And like a single thread in a tapestry, though it’s color brightly shines, do our heroes know their purpose, in the pattern of the grand design? But enough chit chat! The time for action is now! The time for victory, celestial divinity, and upright citizens is now! The time for bunny ears is now! Let the brothers super smash their way to the finish line! Tune in to get that extra stock, from afar, to From Afar Podcast! 3…2…1…Fight!